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Are you missing out on romance because of the 2-second tell?

As a board certified medical doctor I never want to see a man. But so many men are suffering from loneliness.

Loneliness is the #1 health epidemic in the world, if you ask me.

I believe that a man who is engaged with his partner and his family is not lonely -- and he’s going to be a lot healthier too.

My colleague Amanda Mascarelli has written a wonderful piece about how loneliness is shown in an excellent new study to cause a much shorter life.

There are many such studies. It’s a fact, that being alone can often shorten a man’s life.

So that’s why I want to point out the #1 reason men are isolated -- men often try to meet someone but the 2-second tell is revealing their age and their health status in a way that a woman does not find attractive.

What is the 2-second tell and why is it a problem?

This 2-second tell reveals itself as crows feet

age spots:

…loose, sagging skin

…the setting in of forehead wrinkles:

…and rough, dry, scaly spots:

I believe a man should be taking care of his face to help stop or reverse the 2-second tell. And that’s why I designed the world’s most advanced formula for men, Special Forces Day Mission. 

Day Mission is made for men on the move -- men who are police, fire fighters, construction workers, executives, repairmen, teachers. You name it. I believe men who work hard deserve affection and love, and that’s what Special Forces Day Mission is all about.

My formula is loaded with a pioneering substance, Virinol, that helps men fight the 2-second tell. I have a load of great case studies, and I had a dermatologist colleague conduct extensive safety testing.

It’s effective for men, it’s safe for men, and you will want to use it every day. Just put a dime sized portion on your hand and spread it around your face. It dries in seconds, so I recommend using it after your shower, so it can go to work all day.

And consider that at night, my Replenisher can help nurture skin as it repairs during sleep, so you will want to use my Replenisher, Special Forces Night Mission, before bedtime. It won’t grease up your pillow, and it will work all night to repair and replenish.

The idea is to appear attractive and confident, and to be taking care of yourself so you look young for as long as possible. I hope you will try it.