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What are Youth Factors?

Every man wants to be wanted, to be desired, by his partner.

And women want a man who looks good, a man who has character, a man who has charisma...

...and a man who takes care of himself.

And that means, a woman wants a man who maximizes what scientists call youth factors.

Youth Factors are all the nourishments in the skin that help reduce the appearance of aging.

They already naturally exist in the skin and body, but tend to decrease as men age.

And when the skin lacks these all important Youth Factors, it leads to an older-looking appearance…

And when the skin begins losing these all-important Youth Factors, it starts losing its ability to retain moisture.

And moisture is very important to the skin.

The skin is constantly shedding cells and creating new ones, and we need plenty of moisture to do this.

Moisture helps the skin keep repairing itself.

So if your skin lacks enough moisture, it will struggle to create fresh new skin cells.

Which leads to drier, duller skin that's more prone to wrinkles and lines.

And another thing that starts happening from a lack of Youth Factors in the skin is a loss of elasticity.

Elasticity refers to the skin's ability to stretch and snap back into place.

Every time we're talking, smiling, frowning, laughing -- we're stretching the skin ever so slightly...

And we're relying on the skin's elasticity to help it snap back into place.

Without good elasticity, the skin will struggle to snap back into place and instead begin to sag or droop...

And without elasticity, a man is much more likely to end up with jowls and crows feet...

...and other signs of aging that turn a woman off in the blink of an eye.

So I start wondering: if men's skin can lose Youth Factors, can it also gain them back?

If you can replenish the skin's Youth Factors, you should be able to increase the skin's ability to retain moisture and elasticity...

...and help the skin look young and unlined, smooth and soft to the touch...

...and this should increase attraction...

...and that’s what led me to the multi year journey that produced Special Forces Day Mission...

...the only skin serum for men that is loaded with Virinol.

Day Mission goes on and dries in seconds and as soon as you apply it, you may notice the four second flush.

And over even a day or a week, you’ll notice your skin starts looking tighter and more youthful.

Over a few months, it can be a striking improvement, all thanks to youth factors.