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My dad was a world-renowned cardiologist and we did okay growing up.

But dad would operate on anyone regardless of whether they had money or not. He often did surgery for free.

And we were never a materialistic family. I was taught that giving is more important than having.

Maybe that’s why I am not a money person myself.

But I have a few rich friends. Especially the plastic surgeons.

All of those friends who have gotten rich have done one thing different than everyone else.

That difference boils down to one word: focus

My friends who have gotten rich are very focused.

One of the things that helps focus more than anything is being able to concentrate on something that you really want and getting it.

The world will try to stop you every step of the way.

The world will tell you you can't and that you shouldn't and that you won't.

So the only way you can really focus and concentrate and persevere is... just putting your head down and just doing it and doing it and doing it.

That's where I find GITSUM™ to be essential.

I've seen GITSUM™ work.

GITSUM™ lets a man have the feeling that he is already successful, already a Super Man -- before he steps into that meeting that changes everything.

Because getting rich requires supreme confidence.

And GITSUM™ makes you confident.

With GITSUM™ you’re confident -- and that makes you an excellent persuader of other men.

You’re now so confident you easily get other people to do your bidding.

GITSUM™ is making you super sure you will reach your financial goals.

With GITSUM™ it becomes obvious that you can do anything.

You feel like you can do anything and GITSUM™ helps you focus single mindedly on building your riches.

There's a lot of research around the ingredients in GITSUM™ -- I intentionally wanted certain ingredients to help you focus and help you concentrate on building wealth.

Here’s what I think:  I think that GITSUM™ will help you get rich.

It will help you focus and concentrate, get people to do your bidding and it will help you stay the course.

All I ask is that when you're on your second private jet you give me a ride someday.