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Why is GITSUM™ better than smelling salts?

There are many unseen chemicals in this world, and some of these scents can move men, move women, even move mountains.

For instance, if you smell freshly baked cookies, you get hungry. The cookies stimulate saliva and various digestive processes.

And so it is with GITSUM.

A certain scent profile found in GITSUM can, I find, 

...increase my strength...

...make me feel more desire for my wife...

... make me feel like I can accomplish anything...

...make me feel 10 feet tall...

What we did was this: we took scents that can move mountains...

...and we put them into tiny smelling crystals found in a tiny little sniffing bottle that easily fits in your shirt pocket.

That’s what GITSUM™ is -- sniff and you feel 10 feet tall.

So when you want to accomplish something...

...when you want to feel desire and strength and assertiveness...

...when you want to invest in a deal but you feel your courage is failing you...

...just open the GITSUM™ bottle and take a sniff.

That's it.

You'll start acquiring the GITSUM™ habit like I have...'ll want to sniff before you work out...

...sniff before you take a test...

...sniff before talking to your boss...

...sniff before a difficult discussion with a family member.

It helps to ground you and give you more confidence.

It helps you feel 10 feet tall.

It helps you feel like a big man.

That's what I love about GITSUM™.

And there's nothing quite like GITSUM™ in the entire world.

It's been compared to smelling salts...

…but smelling salts just use ammonia that triggers a chemical shock to your system.

Ammonia salts have been used to wake up people who have fainted.

And, there's another type of smelling salt that uses mint and wintergreen and spearmint.

Those have somewhat of a sinus clearing action, but they're not anything like GITSUM™.

Gitsum is designed to make a man feel more assertive, bigger, and able to accomplish anything.

I think you'll love having the GITSUM™ habit and you'll be using it all the time just like I do.