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What are animalic accords?

For thousands of years, men and women have used animalic substances to attract the opposite sex.

These animalics were in all of the old perfumes up until maybe 30 or 40 years ago.

They're very expensive, more expensive in many cases than pure gold.

And in some cases the traditional animalics  are harvested from animals.

And for all these reasons, animalics are not used in any perfumes that I'm aware of today in any quantity.

So I begin studying animalic accords

When I began to put together the ideas for the Pheral cologne, I went to my collection of almost 4,000 colognes and perfumes.

(Yes, you read that right. I’m an absolute nut for colognes and perfumes. I have a vast collection including very old formulas that will never be made anymore because the ingredients are not available at ANY price today.)

And I brought into the company one of the world's experts in use of animalics and pheromones and perfumes, Wes Armstrong.

Wes is now full-time in the company and I could never do what I'm doing without Wes.

So our scents, Pheral, combine with your natural scent. And make you hard to resist!

We all have a natural scent and each of our natural scents are different.

So Pheral combines with your natural make you irresistible!

I use a combination of animalic accords and many very, very expensive natural ingredients and perfumery ingredients to produce perfumes and colognes that are unlike anything available on the market today.

For example, our animalic accords include Civet, Deer Musk, Ambergris, Castoreum, and Hyrax.

In some cases where they are cruelty-free, we will use the actual ingredient even if it's incredibly expensive.

For instance, hyrax and ambergris are entirely cruelty-free and are INCREDIBLE ingredients. But don’t expect anything from the brand names, even the very expensive brand names, to use them. 

They are simply too rare and costly for any brand name perfume to use!

In other cases, if it would involve cruelty to an animal, we don't use the actual animalic.

Instead, we use a collection of analogs, a combination of many, many ingredients known as an accord, that smells and functions identically to the animalic accord --  but is not obtained from animals.

Here's an example of what I mean.

Maybe you've heard of Ambergris.

Ambergris is one of the most expensive substances in the world.

It's much more expensive than gold.

And it comes from whales who expel the Ambergris through their mouths and the Ambergris floats up to the surface of the sea and accumulates years and decades of freshness and sunshine and salt air magic as it floats around the surface of the ocean.

At this point, the chunk of Ambergris looks like a gray stone. The stone washes up on the beach.

But this stone is worth hundreds of thousands, or millions, of dollars.

If you find one, you become rich.

(Just be careful because in some places, you're required to turn any Ambergris you find on the seashore to the government.)

In any event, we take legally and ethically harvested Ambergris and remember there's no cruelty involved here.

And we actually use that in many of our perfumes as part of the Ambergris animalic accord.

No hyraxes are ever harmed

Very, very tiny quantities of nasty things smell really, really good and attract people through the magic of pheromones.

One of those nasty substances is known as African Stone or Hyrax.

And it's really nasty: it’s a stone that is made from petrified urine of these small cat-like animals that's been baking in the sun for hundreds or thousands of years.

I know it sounds gross.

And if you were to smell concentrated Hyrax, it would smell gross.

But in tiny quantities, it smells amazing.

And when you have a person that you're attracted to and you're nuzzling them, if you smell this, you just wanna go crazy on that person.

Animalic accords bring people together romantically.

If you are looking for a romantic partner, just stand within a few feet from him or her --  then let the magic of animalic accords go to work for yout.

And no, you're not going to smell like a barnyard, and you're not going to smell like an animal.

We are combining these using the most modern and traditional perfumery techniques so that you will smell amazing so that our scent will combine with your natural scent.

And women or men or whatever you're looking for, they just can't get enough of you.

They just can't.

They just want to nuzzle with you and be with you and bury their head into your neck and have you.

That's what we strive for.

Now, is that going to always work for you?

It might or might not. But it will increase the odds!