Women can be super nice even if they aren’t interested in you romantically.
But Pheral contains luxurious high-end, precious ingredients -- and the PheralAide animalic accords -- that help focus women on you and on a romantic relationship with you…
In short, the scent helps to create more romantic interest.
And when they are interested romantically in a man, women will put out what we call hidden signals.
Here are 9 hidden signals you’ll begin picking up when you have showered with this amazing Pheral Body Wash -- loaded with Pheral Cologne and its PheralAide animalic accord pheromones:
1. Mirroring. She is mimicking your gestures, posture, speech.
2. Prolonged eye contact. She stares a moment or two longer than normal.
3. Playing with her hair or accessories. Fiddling and fidgeting...your romantic prospects are making her nervous and she likes you!
4. Leaning in as you talk -- always a good sign.
5. Noticing little details -- maybe she asks about your cologne, or comments on your eyes or your smile.
6. Teasing and playful banter -- this is what makes flirting with cute women so much fun!
7. Is her body pointing towards you? This is a strong hidden signal of romantic interest.
8. She’s laughing more than usual, around you.
9. She starts and continues conversations with you.
These signals seem subtle at first. But over a few months, you get very good at picking them up as if they are being shouted through a megaphone.
Women will be clearly interested in you -- no doubt about it. Now it’s up to you to determine if she is up to your standards, and if you want to deepen the relationship.